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Alumni Association


Current projects

Bricky Awards:

The Bricky Awards make a triumphant return! As the Oscars approach, the Future Alumni of Montevallo are eager to recognize our campus celebrities with the Brickies. These fun accolades honor exceptional faculty and staff across the University of Montevallo’s campus. Check out the Bricky announcement on Facebook or Instagram.

Great Montevallo Cookie Bake-Off:

Make plans to participate on April 4 from 1-3 p.m. More info to come.



The Future Alumni of Montevallo (F.A.M.) Student Alumni Association’s mission is to assist the National Alumni Association in engaging young alumni through the creation of a student alumni network offering current students the opportunity to engage with alumni, engage with each other, gain professional development and transition into impactful young alumni. 


• Event planning: help with alumni events (Homecoming, Founders’ Day, and other events) and plan student philanthropy events. Annual events include the Chili Cook-Off and the Great Montevallo Bake-Off. All philanthropic events held by FAM raise money for the Campus Food Pantry.

• Networking: opportunities to network with alumni. This includes working alumni events and our alumni mentorship program. Any student who is a member of FAM can request an alumni mentor.

• Brainstorming & development: share ideas on new programming for students and alumni and then implement these ideas as a team


SKILLS NEEDED: leadership, strong communication skills, professionalism and school spirit

To join, look for FAM on FalconLink